我們和Dementia UK及華福信託基金合作,為會員提供免費腦退化症諮詢服務 。
此服務由資深腦退化症專科護士呂姑娘擔任諮詢員,為服務對象提供一對一諮詢服務。呂姑娘能以廣東話 、國語 和英語進行諮詢。倘若你為腦退化症患者的護理員或親人,需要向專業人士尋求建議或指引,這個服務能幫助你。
This service is a one-on-one consultation service, and is conducted by Emily Lui, an experienced Admiral Nurse, who is a Cantonese, Mandarin and English speaker. If you are a carer / relative of a dementia patient and you need advice or guidance, this service is for you.